Motivational Landscape gives you data on Employee Engagement and Organizational Happiness

We tell you how it is - so you can lead and manage

We know what really works, we have a clear message and a simple tool for you to measure, monitor and follow up on Employee Engagement and Organizational Happiness.

  • 10 Questions, 90 seconds

    Motivational landscape is a platform that gives you simple and reliable data on employee engagement and Organizational Happiness. It takes 60 - 90 seconds for an employee to leave feedback.

  • Easy to set up and monitor

    Just set up you organization and import your employees via self-service. Decide how often you would like data and you are good to go!

Motivational Landscape gives you data on Employee Engagement and Organizational Happiness.

We tell you how it is - so you can lead and manage.

Easy to set up - and you are in good hands

Easy setup process

  1. Set up your Organizational Structure.
  2. Import or add Employees.
  3. Decide a start day and the frequency.
  4. Push start and you will start receiving data for your Motivational Landscape.

Always email support

As a standard service for all our Motivational Service customers, we offer email support. Write to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Onboarding call offered

If you need a personal onboarding call from one of us, write to and we will contact you as soon as possible to set you up.